Tuesday 8 January 2019

Something Old...Something New at TioT's

Something Old....Something New

Happy new Year everyone .

Our first challenge theme of 2019 is.....

Something old... Something New.

For this theme , you could use something you may not have used for a long while or something new that you have just added to your crafting items.
We ask that you tell us about your choice.
As always the mediums, style, materials  etc you use is entirely up to yourselves.

Please call back next Tuesday when we will announce our
 Top 5 choices from our last theme of 2018.

Now its over to you
have a good week from the TioT's gang


  1. Inspiring, intelligent and love them all DT ♥

  2. Wonderful creations by the DT!

  3. Happy New Year to the TioT lovelies. Beautiful inspiration to start a brand New Year.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  4. Great challenge and lovely inspiration all round. I'll be along to join in as soon as Blogger will let me finish editing my post to include the links... something weird is going on at the moment! Happy New Year!
    Alison x

  5. I ´m so sorry because I couldn´t participate in this lovely challenge due to a strong ciática I was just before Christmas :( , but much better now. Nevertheless, All your Art creations are Amazing, Congratulations everyone !! ♥
    Big hugs, Caty


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x