Tuesday 28 July 2015

Top 5 for in the Frame and a Reminder for----Hot and Wild

Hello everyone, its time to announce our 
TOP 5  
choices from the 
'In the Frame Challenge'.
Your entries were all fantastic and we enjoyed visiting your blogs.
So  without further ado and in no particular order
here they are..................our Top 5

Karla B

Congratulations every one,
Please grab your Top 5 badge from out sidebar and display it with pride.

There is still another week ,
for you to join in the fun with our current challenge.........

'Hot and Wild',
you can find all the details HERE

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Hot and Wild is the new challenge at TioT's

'Hot and Wild'
Hot colours or Wild Animals or Both.

Plenty of choice with our new theme, 
HOT   and   WILD
Hot Countries --like  Africa and India ,-- or  Wild Animals,--  or  use Hot Colours  etc
As always what you make is entirely up to yourselves as long as you follow  the theme.
We look forward to visiting you and to see what you made.

Our Guest Designer for this Challenge is Annie with this fabulous journal spread

Now for some more inspiration from our design team


Now its over to you
Have a good week from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Top 5 for the Tea Cups Challenge and a Reminder for----In the Frame

Thank you all for your fantastic entries to our 
Tea Cups Challenge
We enjoyed visiting you and our choice as always was difficult to make.
So with out further ado these are our winners ,
in no particular order.......


Congratulations everyone,
please grab your winners badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

There is still another week for you to join our current challenge
Here are two more ideas  for frames,
one with string,
one with wooden coffee  stirrers.


you can find all the details here

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

In the Frame -----is the new challenge at TioT's

'In the Frame'

is our  new challenge theme.
Think of all the ways and types of frame you can use, small / large/diecut/  etc. etc.
What you make as always is entirely up to yourselves as long as you use our theme.
we look forward to visiting you  to see your interpretations.

Our Guest Designer
for this challenge is Rein with this lovely card.


Now for more  inspiration 
from our Design Team.

Now its over to you.
Remember to call back next week to see who we chose as our Top 5  for
the Tea Cups theme.

Have a good week, from the TioT's gang