Tuesday 25 April 2017

Transport..... 25th April

Hello everyone and welcome to Try it on Tuesdays


is our new challenge theme, for the next two weeks.
We would like to see anything you can take a ride on..or..in.....
horses, bikes, trains, cars,  a bus etc. etc.....
We are sure you can think of many more modes of transport for this theme.

As always what you make, the choice of materials
 and style you use is entirely up to yourselves.

We have Jo joining us at our Guest Designer for this challenge
 with this wonderful Journal Page


And now for some inspiration from the rest of the Design Team

Now its over to you.....
We look forward to seeing what you make and visiting your blogs.

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Top 5 for the Botanicals challenge

Our thanks go to everyone who joined our
We had a very hard task, to pick out our favourites and choose .
so in no particular order here they are..........

Top 5

Congratulations everyone,
please grab your Top 5 Badge from our sidebar and display it with pride.

We would like to thank
who was our Guest Designer  for this challenge theme

Our guests are always invited from our past winners.

There is still another week for you to join us and enter our current challenge

all the details are here....


is sharing   this wonderful project for the theme with us this week......

Have a good week, from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Add a Quote--11h April

Add a Quote.

Hello everyone and welcome to Try it on Tuesdays
For this challenge theme we would like you to.............

''Add a Quote''
to your entry.

The style, mediums, material etc. that you use is entirely up to yourselves
 as long as you keep to the theme

For this challenge we have Asmah joining us at our Guest Designer with this beautiful card


Now for some inspiration from the Design Team


Now its over to you. We look forward to visiting you all.
Remember to call back next Tuesday to check out out Top 5.
We always choose our guest designers  from our winners.

Have a good week 
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Lady in Red....Top 5

Thank you everyone who joined our
'Lady in Red '

After enjoying our visits to see how you interpreted our theme
here are our choices ....


Congratulations everyone,
please grab your winners badge from our sidebar and display it with pride.

We would like to thank

who was our Guest Designer for this challenge.

Our guests are always invited for our past winners

There is still another week for you to join us
 and enter our current challenge theme...

all the details are here

 has made this piece to share with you this week.

We hope you all have a good week.
from the TioT's gang.