Monday, 28 January 2019

Top 5....Something old,something new.

Top 5

for our
Something Old,  Something New
challenge theme.
Thank you for all your fantastic entries, we enjoyed visiting your blogs.
In no particular order our choices are.....



Linda K

Congratulations everyone, please grab your Top 5 badge
from our sidebar and display it with pride.

There is still another week for you to join us in our current challenge
Time Flies
all the information can be found here

Remember how you interpret the theme is always entirely up to yourselves.

Yvonne is sharing this digital card..
with a time related quote.

And Avril has another feminine take on the theme
 with this time related quote

Have a good week from the TioT gang

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Time Flies .... at Try it on Tuesdays.

Time Flies

We hope you will join us
and have fun with our  new 'Time Flies'  challenge .
As  always the style, materials, mediums etc is entirely up to yourselves,
as long as you follow the theme.

Our Guest Designer for this Challenge is Sari,  who was one of our Spotlight winners, with this wonderful piece


We have some news to share with you all today.
We are delighted to welcome a new member to our
Design team
Erika who's inspirational  blog is called  Bioart Gal


Have a good week 
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Top 5 - Guess Who's Coming

Top 5
 for our last Challenge theme in 2018
Guess who's coming.......Santa

Thank you for all your fantastic entries.
these are our choices.....

Congratulations everyone, please collect your winners badge
 from our sidebar and display it with pride.

We would also like to thank
who was our Guest Designer for this theme and helped us visit you all on your blogs.

There is still another week for you to join us for  our current Challenge theme

Something Old.... Something New

you will find all the information HERE

Susi is sharing another wonderful, inspiration  page for the theme

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang


Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Something Old...Something New at TioT's

Something Old....Something New

Happy new Year everyone .

Our first challenge theme of 2019 is.....

Something old... Something New.

For this theme , you could use something you may not have used for a long while or something new that you have just added to your crafting items.
We ask that you tell us about your choice.
As always the mediums, style, materials  etc you use is entirely up to yourselves.

Please call back next Tuesday when we will announce our
 Top 5 choices from our last theme of 2018.

Now its over to you
have a good week from the TioT's gang

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.