Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Inspired by a Song or Christmas Carol

Inspired by a Song or a Christmas Carol

is the challenge theme for the next two weeks
here at TioT's

Have fun.  We  look forward to seeing
how you interpret this theme
 and reading about your favorite Songs and  Carols
You can as always, use any style, mediums, materials  etc for your entries.

We have Gerrina , our Guest Designer joining us for this challenge


Now for some inspiration from the Design Team





Now its over to you
Have a good week from the TioT's gang

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Top 5 for Colours of Autumn. at TioT's

Top 5

Thank you for all the   fantastic   projects  that you shared with us for our
Colours of Autumn theme
WE enjoyed our visits to your blogs and as always we found it hard to pick out our choices
and once again we have chosen 6 not 5,
so without further ado our 
Winners   are......

Congratulations everyone, please grab your Top 5 badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

We would also like to thank
who was our Guest Designer for this theme

There is still another week for you to join out current theme
Cold, Cold, Cold
All the information can be found here

Here is  another inspiration page from

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Cold, Cold, Cold

Cold, Cold Cold,

Snow, ice and winter scenes could feature on your entries for this theme.
The mediums, style etc  that you use are.... as always entirely up to yourselves
 as long as you use the theme.
We look forward to visiting you to see what you have been making

We have Helen joining us this week as our Guest Designer
 with this nostalgic tag


Now for some inspiration from the Design Team


Now its over to you
Have a good week from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Top 5 for Witches/Wizards and Halloween.... at TioT's.

Top 6
for the  the
Witches/Wizards/Halloween theme
 We enjoyed visiting your blogs to see how you interpreted the theme.
 As always it is hard to choose from so many fantastic entries.
so we have chosen 6 this time..........

our choices are......


Congratulations everyone,
please grab your To 5 badge from our sidebar 
and display it with pride.

We would also like to thank
who was our Guest designer for this theme.

There is still another week for you to   join in our current challenge
all the information can be found here
 is sharing  another inspiration page with us for the theme

Have a good week from the TioT's gang