Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Top 5 for............ Book Pages

You  had some very creative ways of using book pages for this challenge
   and  it was very difficult to choose just 5
   but here they are, in no particular order.

Congratulations everyone,
please grab your Top 5 badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

We would like to thank Fiona who was our Guest Designer for this challenge.

There's still another week left to join in with our current challenge

Have a good week from the TioT gang

Tuesday, 21 July 2020


Summer Time is our theme for the next two weeks
and as always, it's up to you how you interpret this 
and what materials you use.

We have Diane Louise joining us this fortnight
 and she has create this beautiful scene.

Now for some inspiration from the Design Team










Now it's over to you,

Have a good week from the TioT gang

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Top 5 for ......Create a Scene

You created some wonderful scenes for us to look at in our last challenge
 and it was very difficult to choose just 5 from all the entries, 
but here they are in no particular order.

Top 5



Congratulations everyone,
please grab you Top 5 Badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

We would like to thank Anesha who was our Guest for this challenge.

There's still another week left to join in our current challenge
Use Book Pages

We have some extra inspiration from Valerie

Have a good week and stay safe from the TioT gang.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Use Book Pages

Use Book Pages is the challenge for the next 2 weeks,
how you use them is up to you along, with the mediums you choose to use.

We have Fiona joining us for this challenge


Now for some inspiration from the rest of the Design Team


Now it's over to you,
stay safe and well

Have a good week from the TioT gang