Tuesday 22 July 2014

Things with Wings is the New Challenge at Try it on Tuesdays

'THINGS WITH WINGS'................
is the new challenge starting today.

You can as always , make anything you wish as long as you follow the theme.
Let you imagination soar --e.g. birds, insects, flying machines, butterflies etc.  etc.  etc..

Our Guest Designer for this Challenge is
 Helene-aka 2a.m.Scrapper
Helene was one of out Top 5 winners in May and we are delighted that  she agreed to be  our  guest this time. This is the  tag she has  created for us,  I'm sure you will agree that  the image looks  adorable.

Here is more  inspiration from the D.T.

Now its your turn just link up below. 

We cannot wait to see your creations!

Have a wonderful week.
The TioT gang


  1. Absolutely stunning projects girls!!

  2. gorgeous inspiration pieces! xo

  3. Thanks for the fun challenge and the gorgeous DTwork for added inspiration! :) Mynn xx

  4. Oh my gosh, amazing DT inspiration!! Well Done!!

  5. I see such beautiful cards from the DT and from everyone who already posted his card. Hopefully mine is a little bit as good as the other ones. But anyway i'd like to join in. Succes to all of you.
    Greetings Veerle

  6. Thank yo for another amazing challenge! The DT creations are simply inspiring!

  7. I love all the DT members entries. I just did a sketch, so I hope that's OK. Blessings!

  8. Could you delete my #51 it was entered in error. Sorry :(



  9. Great challenge - nice to join in again!

  10. Super DT Creations, Thanks for the inspiration, Hazel (Didos) x

  11. Thank you for a fun challenge and for sharing the DT inspirations with us Karen x


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x