Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Destinations 15th May


is the theme for this challenge.....
Where would you like to go....
Europe, Africa, America , Far away places or stay close to home ..... the choice is yours.
As always what you make,  the style , mediums. materials you use
 is entirely up to yourselves.

We have Linda joining us as our Guest Designer for this challenge with this fabulous Postcard



Now its over to you,
have a good week from the TioT's gang.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. thanks so much for having me as guest designer . Fabulous DT inspirations!

  2. Wonderful inspiration from Linda and the DT! I hope I can find time to join in.

  3. What an amazing new challenge! Love it! Thanks for the Fab Design Team Inspiration!
    Hugs to lady who have a terrible fever to travel!!

  4. Wow, I'm in awe at this collection! Compliments to the artists.

  5. Such lovely artwork, and a reminder of the treasures to be found in other places. Reminds me that I used to collect postcards years and years ago too. Hugs...RO


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x