Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Make a mark .... at TioT's 28th May

Make  a  Mark

is our new challenge for the next two weeks,
abstract patterns, grids, squares, circles, chevrons etc....... we are sure you
 will have many more  ideas for yourselves.
As always the style, mediums and materials you use is entirely up to yourselves.

We have Wendy joining us as our Guest Designer for this challenge
 with this fun journal page


Now for some inspiration from the Design Team


Now its over to you,
have a good week from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Top 5 for our.... Things with Wings challenge .... at TioT's

Top 5
'Things with Wings'

Thank you for all your fantastic entries for the challenge.
 We enjoying seeing how you interpreted this theme.

In no particular order our choices are....

Congratulations everyone,
please grab you Top 5 badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

We would also like to thank 

who was our Guest Designer for this theme.
Caty visited your blogs with us and left comments  for everyone on the TioT's blog.

There is still another week for you to join our current theme 

We are celebrating our 10th Birthday and we would love you to  share your art with us.

Here is  some extra inspiration from the team



All the information can be found HERE

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Lets Party .... at TioT's


We are celebrating our  10th Birthday
here at TioT's
Join us .... have fun..... be colourful .......
 'share your Art  and the things you like to create....' with us.
As always  the style, mediums, the materials, etc   is entirely up to yourselves,
we look forward to seeing how you interpret this party theme.

We have Eileen joining us  as our Guest Designer,
this is the fantastic page she has created for the theme.



Please feel free to  to copy our
  Birthday Banner
 to display on your blogs  to help us celebrate this occasion.

We do hope you will join us for this theme and look forward to calling in
 to see what you have been making.

have a good week,
from the TioT's gang.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Top 5 for our.... Springtime challenge..... at TioT's

Top 5
Thank you for all your wonderful Springtime entries to this theme.
We enjoyed visiting you on your blogs.

In no particular order our choices are.......

Congratulations everyone,
please grab your Top 5 badge from our sidebar
and display it with pride.

There is still another week for you to join our current challenge theme

all the information can be found here.

Have a good week,
from the TioT's Gang.