Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Its a Mans World ... at TioT's

Its a Man's World

Create something for the men,  babies, teenagers and  adults
Maybe a card for Father's day the choice and style, mediums you use is entirely up to yourselves.
We look forward to seeing how you interpret this theme.

We have Hanne joining us as our Guest Designer for this challenge, with this wonderful card


Now for some inspiration from the Design Team

Now its over to you,
have a good week from the TioT's gang


  1. Perfect Theme for any upcoming man celebrations Ladies and I look forward to checking your inspiring works of art out when I get my *back from holiday* hat on or even find it hee hee!!
    Creative Hugs as always to you all Tracey xx

  2. Gorgeous masculine creations DT!
    Tammy x

  3. Wonderful collection of different styles and ideas - perfect for those men. Emma

  4. Brilliant team samples! Love seeing all the participation, too! Hoping to add one in a few days! xoxox

  5. What a masculine exhibition!


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x