Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Neat and Tidy

Neat and Tidy is our challenge for the next two weeks,
how you interpret this theme is up to you, and as usual,
you can use whatever mediums you choose.

The Design Team have come up with some great
inspirations for you,
 so please pop over to their blogs to see their projects.




Now it's over to you

Have a good week from the TioT gang.


  1. Very interesting theme this time, but the team's makes are superb! And knowing some of you and your natural styles, I'm quite impressed with how neat and tidy you can be LOL winkwink. I hope it wasn't too traumatic! :-O Stay well and safe, XXO


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x