Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Add Some Texture

Add Some Texture is our new challenge this fortnight and we would love to see how you incorporate this into your projects.

As usual you can use any medium you choose as long as we can see the texture you create.

We are pleased to welcome Carole from Craftilicious Creations as our Guest Designer for this challenge with this beautifully textured card. Please be sure to check our Carole's blog.


The Design Team have some wonderful samples to inspire you, so please visit their blogs to see their projects.



Valerie is taking a break






Unfortunately Tammy is stepping down from the Team,

I am sure you will join us in wishing her well and 

sending our Love and Best Wishes for her future.

Now it's over to you,

Have a great week from the TioT gang.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Top 5 for ... Add A Quote

 Thanks so much for joining our Add A Quote challenge.

We really enjoyed visiting you and seeing all your wonderful creations, in no particular order our Top 5 are:










Congratulations everyone, please grab your Top 5 Badge from our sidebar to display on your blog.


There is still another week to join our current challenge

All Loved Up

We are pleased to have Nancy from Inkblocks joining us as our Guest Designer for this challenge with this pair of adorable Valentine's cards, aren't those little hedgehogs super cute! Please be sure to check out Nancy's blog.

Stay safe and have a good week from the TioT gang

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

All Loved Up

It's approaching  that time of the year  when thoughts turn to Love and Romance and here at TioT's we're feeling All Loved Up with our new challenge. 

 Your project can be any 'Love' themed occasion - Valentine, Engagement, Wedding or Anniversary, or just Love,  it's up to you and as usual, you can use any medium you wish.

 We are pleased to have Nancy from Inkblocks joining us as our Guest Designer for this challenge with this pair of beautiful cards; please be sure to check out Nancy's blog.

 The Design Team have some fabulous inspiration for you, so please visit their blogs to see their 'Love' creations.




Valerie is taking a break


Tammy  is taking a break




Now it's over to you,

Have a great week from the TioT gang.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Top 5 for ... In With The New

 Thanks so much for joining our In With The New challenge.

We really enjoyed visiting you and seeing all your wonderful creations, in no particular order our Top 5 are:

Carole J






Pauline C


Congratulations everyone, please grab your Top 5 Badge from our sidebar to display on your blog.


There is still another week to join our current challenge

Add A Quote

Stay safe and have a good week from the TioT gang