Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Go Green

We're going Green this fortnight with our new challenge and how you interpret that is up to you. Will you go with the colour green or will you, maybe recycle, or maybe, you have other ideas of 'green'.

As always you can use any medium you choose as long as you follow the challenge theme.

Our Guest Designer for this challenge is Aimeslee from Paper-Paisleys Art Adventures Blog with this wonderful card, which is perfect for our Go Green challenge. Please be sure to check our Aimeslee's blog.

Now,  for some more exciting News!

We have Helen one of our previous DT members re-joining us,
 and I'm sure you all join us in welcoming her back to TioT











Now it's over to you have fun.

Have a great week from the TioT gang.


  1. Fabulous DT inspiration and thanks for having me as guest designer! XOX

  2. Also, welcome back to Helen! xoxo


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x