Tuesday 31 October 2017

Top 5 for the......... Halloween Challenge at TioT's

Top 5
for our
Halloween Challenge.

Thank you for all the amazing and fabulous entries for this theme
We enjoyed visiting your blogs to see what you made.
It was difficult for us to choose our favourites.
So in no particular order here they are....
Top 5

Congratulations everyone
please grab your winners badge from our sidebar and display it with pride.

We would also like to thank
who was our Guest Designer for this challenge theme

There is still another week for you to join us  with our current challenge theme........
all the information is HERE
and if you need any extra inspiration, here's another piece from Avril

Have a good week,
from the TioT's gang.


  1. Wow, thank so much! I can't believe I made the Top 5 as there were so many amazing entries 😁. Thank you for making Halloween such a treat, you have really made my day! Many congratulations to all the other Top 5 winners! J 😊

  2. Thank you TIO for another fun inspirational theme to get my artsy mojo going... I always enjoy your challenges... thank you for voting me into the top 5 !

  3. Oh thank you soooo much for picking me in your top 5, really thrilled about it :)
    Donna xx

  4. Thanks for choosing my creation in the top 5 and congratulations to the other winners

  5. Thank you for the Top 5. I am pleased about that.
    Congratulations to the other winners.
    Greetings Carola

  6. I like that little black dress.


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x