Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Use Your Scraps

We are challenging you to Use Your Scraps for this fortnight,
I'm sure we all have them lying around on our desks, or in boxes and always
with the intention of using them one day.
 Well this challenge is the perfect opportunity to do just that!

The design team have all used their scraps in various ways,
 so please pop over to their blogs to find out what they used.



Now it's over to you

Have a good week from the TioT gang


  1. another super theme-and you all have wowed me with your DT art!!

  2. Love this theme, beautiful work from the team. Sorry for the late link, I had a problem with linking up this morning, happy it's all working again for me this evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work up close, many thanks for the inspiration xx

  3. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free.
    mehandi design image


Huge thanks for taking the time to visit us and leave a comment The Try it on Tuesdays team really appreciate it x